How to Move a Queen Size Mattress in a Pickup Truck ?

Moving can be very frustrating without knowing the right tricks. Take, for example, moving a big queen-size mattress in a pickup truck. Will it fit? Is it a good idea? Well, you can move a queen-size mattress in a pickup truck, but since it’s pretty big, you’ll need to know the right way. There are several ways to do it. In this article, we’ll explain all the methods to make this process easy.

How can you Move a Queen Size Mattress in a Pickup Truck?

There are many methods that can be used. Let us look at each step by step:

Option 1 : Moving A Queen-size Mattress by Using the Folding Method

Since a pickup truck’s bed frame is usually smaller than a queen-size mattress, a simple way to make it fit is by folding the mattress first. Begin by folding the mattress neatly and then encase it in a mattress bag or painter’s plastic to shield it from dust and potential damage.

Moving A Queen-size Mattress by Using the Folding Method

Next, open the tailgate all the way and carefully put the queen-size mattress into the truck bed. Secure the mattress firmly by using either ratchet straps or rope. However, we strongly recommend using ratchet straps because they are much more effective at holding objects in place than rope.

Make use of the anchor points on your pickup truck to securely fasten the mattress. Additionally, place a piece of cardboard or a sturdy board beneath the mattress to prevent any extra damage while the truck is in motion. If you’re moving on a day with uncertain weather, it’s advisable to use a tarp or waterproof mattress covers for added protection.

Option 2 : Moving A Queen-size Mattress Using the Exposed Mattress Method

If you prefer not to fold the mattress when moving it, you can transport your queen-size mattress in a pickup truck while keeping it flat. An important to note here is that queen-size mattresses are usually of the size 60X80 inches. This is a bit larger than the average pickup truck’s frame.

Moving A Queen-size Mattress Using the Exposed Mattress Method

Make sure that you securely seal your queen-size mattress with a mattress cover. Use straps to fix it. While keeping the mattress in the truck keep it flat. Do not attempt to transport the mattress in an upright position. This can lead to problems. While doing so you may notice that it doesn’t entirely fit in the truck bed. But don’t worry, this isn’t a problem. If you want to properly accommodate the mattress in the truck bed align it with one side resting against the edge of the pickup truck’s bed. Elevate one side and keep the other side on the inner part of the truck bed. Also, remember to place cardboard or some form of support beneath the queen-size mattress to provide protection during the move.

How to pack a Queen Size Mattress before Moving in a Pickup Truck?

Now that you’ve learned how to transport your queen-size mattress in a pickup truck, let’s move on to how to properly cover it.

Things you will need to cover the mattress:

ratchet strap to cover mattress before transporting in pickup truck
Ratchet Strap
painter's plastic to cover mattress
painter’s plastic
Duck tape to cover mattress before transporting in a pickup truck
Duck Tape
Scissors to cover the mattress before transporting in a pickup truck

Method 1 : Covering the Mattress with Mattress Bags

Mattress bags are great for safeguarding your mattress from dirt, insects, and water during house moves or renovations. However, it’s crucial to ensure that the mattress bag you choose is at least 3.5 mil thick to prevent it from tearing open once everything is securely enclosed. To cover your queen-size mattress using a mattress bag, follow these steps:

  • First lay the mattress flat on the ground and then place the mattress bag over it.
  • For those opting for the folding method, fold the mattress and secure it tightly with a ratchet strap. Make sure the strap is securely fastened.
  • If you prefer to transport the mattress in its exposed state, simply place it inside the mattress bag and fasten it securely with straps.
Covering the Mattress with Mattress Bags

Method 2 : Covering the Mattress with Painter’s Plastic

Using 3.5 mil thick painter’s plastic can offer nearly the same level of protection for your queen-size mattress as a dedicated mattress bag. The only drawback is that you’ll need to put in some extra effort for proper coverage since painter’s plastic doesn’t come in standard bed sizes. Follow these steps:

  • Start by laying the painter’s plastic flat on the ground.
  • Place your queen-size mattress on top of the painter’s plastic.
  • For the folding method, fold the mattress and cover each side of the mattress in sequence, ensuring that you layer the painter’s plastic on top of each other.
  • Repeat the same process for each side.
  • Secure the edges of the cover using strong duct tape.
  • Finally, lock the seal in place with either a ratchet strap or rope.
Covering the Mattress with Painter’s Plastic

If you prefer the exposed mattress method without folding the mattress itself, follow the same steps. If you don’t have access to a mattress bag or painter’s plastic, you can use a tarp as an alternative. However, keep in mind that tarps can be rougher and are more prone to dust accumulation.


Can I Move A Queen-size Mattress On Top Of A Pickup Truck?

It’s important to note that moving a queen-size mattress on top of a pickup truck’s hood is not recommended. The primary concern is the risk involved. The mattress can easily slide off the truck. This can lead to accidents that could endanger you and other people on the road.

Does a Queen-size Mattress Fit In Pickup Truck?

Indeed, while queen-size mattresses may not fit perfectly, they can still be accommodated in pickup trucks. Many people find it convenient to use pickup trucks for moving their queen-size mattresses, despite the need for some adjustments to make them fit.

Can I Use Bed Sheets To Cover Queen Mattress While Moving?

Using bedsheets as a makeshift cover for your mattress is possible, but it’s important to note that they won’t provide substantial protection. While bedsheets can serve as a last-minute do-it-yourself solution, dedicated mattress covers are generally more effective in safeguarding your mattress against dust and even rain during the moving process.

Final Verdict

Queen-size mattresses are particularly susceptible to collecting dust, and managing one of this size can be quite challenging. So take time to properly cover it. So, if you require assistance in moving your queen-size mattress in a pickup truck, you can always refer back to our article.

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